Escovitch is a Jamaican delicacy that has been enjoyed by locals and travelers alike for centuries. This dish is a perfect illustration of Jamaican culture and tradition, with its unique blend of flavors and ingredients that make it stand out from other fish dishes across the globe.

Escovitch is traditionally made with fish, typically red snapper or kingfish, that has been fried and then marinated in a mixture of vinegar, onions, peppers, and other seasonings. This process gives the fish a distinct tangy and spicy flavor that is synonymous with Jamaican cuisine.

The roots of the escovitch tradition come from Spain, where the technique of fish marination was used to preserve the fish. Jamaica, with its rich history of Spanish and British colonization, adopted the tradition and infused it with its own distinctive flavors and seasonings.

To make escovitch fish, the fish is first cleaned and then cut into pieces, which are usually seasoned with salt, pepper, and other spices. These pieces are then coated in flour and fried until they are crispy golden brown.

Next, the marination process begins. The fish is placed in a mixture of vinegar, onions, carrots, scallions, and scotch bonnet peppers for several hours, allowing the flavors to seep into the fish and create a tangy and spicy taste. The longer the fish is marinated, the more flavorful it becomes.

Escovitch fish is typically served as a main course, accompanied by rice and peas or boiled vegetables. It is also a popular street food in Jamaica, where it is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

In conclusion, Escovitch is a beloved Jamaican dish that has stood the test of time, thanks to its unique blend of flavors and ingredients. It is a true representation of Jamaican culture and a must-try for anyone looking to explore the island’s rich culinary traditions.